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bmi calculator
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What is a BMI Calculator and Its Importance?

Determining someone’s body weight and segregating him into the body fat category isn’t always the easiest job. Also not the honorable. This is where the BMI calculator comes in. It will do the boring job for you of deciding everyone’s bodyweight category. The importance of body mass index is that it helps in determining one’s fitness and health level.

BMI calculator for men and women gives a crude analysis. Being placed in an overweight category as per the body mass index calculator doesn’t necessarily mean you are overweight or obese. This leads us to the conclusion that the BMI calculator isn’t an indicator of health.

You can better understand the use of BMI calculators if you consider the age group and profession of the demographic you are studying. BMI calculator is found to be accurate amongst youngsters but less amongst bodybuilders and the elderly.

How Do You Measure Bmi?

Your BMI is calculated by taking into account your height and weight. It is not a diagnostic tool but it does help in having a better understanding of one’s health. With the knowledge of your BMI index and other health measurements of your body, your doctor can provide you great help in solving health issues and improving overall wellness.


Formula – weight (kg) / [height (m)] ^2
Example – weight = 60 kg, height = 165 cm (1.65 m)
BMI calculation: 68 / (1.65) ^2 = 22.04


Formula – weight (lb.) / [height (inches)] ^2 x 703
Example – weight = 200 lbs., height = 5’5” (65″)
BMI calculation: [200 / (65) ^2] x 703 = 33.28

What your result means for adults, BMI results can be interpreted as follows:

BMI below 18.5 = Underweight
BMI 18.5 – 24.9 = Normal weight
BMI 25.0 – 29.9 = Overweight
BMI 30.0 and above = Obese

Limitations Of Bmi

Despite being a popular diagnostic tool, there are certain limitations to BMI. As I mentioned before, it’s all down to age group and professional demands.

BMI calculator for women suggests that women have more fat compared to men. Those who lift weights and gym have more weight than an average person. Children are obviously meant to have less fat on their bodies. Overall, the BMI calculator only takes into account height and weight regardless of age and some other important factors.
Thus, it isn’t often the best judge.

The Link Between Body Fat And Bmi

Athletes and professionals who constantly put themselves through heavy training need to be wary of BMI calculators. Their bodies have increased mass due to the built-up muscles. It is rather better to take direct measurements of body composition and body fat than to encapsulate all of them under the ‘often misleading’ body mass index calculator.

People are often confused and ask, “What does BMI determine?” The BMI calculation helps to screen individuals for the increased amount of weight in the form of fat. People with an increased BMI run the risk of developing certain health conditions that put their bodies in a precarious position. However, this isn’t a reliable tool for those athletes who are too concerned about their body composition.

BMI calculator takes into consideration only two parameters – Height and Weight. You clearly are more than the mere sum of your height and weight.

Health Risks Related To High Bmi

Despite its drawbacks, the BMI calculator is still an important and often used paraphernalia in the medical domain. The BMI index has a correlation with certain health problems and is a widely recognized tool to monitor the health of individuals. It’s in fact a part of many physical wellness reports.

People who are classified as ‘overweight’ or ‘obese’ run the risk of suffering from the following:

  1. Hypertension
  2. Sleep apnea
  3. Respiratory problems
  4. Type 2 diabetes
  5. Tumor which can lead to forms of cancer
  6. Coronary heart disease
  7. Stroke
  8. Osteoarthritis

It should be kept in mind that Body mass index calculator isn’t the only measure of a person’s fitness. There is an anomaly when it comes to understanding the correlation between obesity and health issues.

The effects of obesity can be classified as adverse but there’s a lot of difference between being obese and ‘mildly overweight’. Experts and researchers have conducted countless studies that suggest that ‘mildly obese people have an increased potential for survival.

Fitness is also important. Researchers have found that being fit makes people play down the impinging effects of body fatness, as well as other traditional cardiovascular risk factors, including overweight, obesity, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Footnote: The best way of understanding one’s health is to consult a health service provider. Don’t draw all your conclusions from your BMI index. Undergo several other tests before you draw the entire picture. Premature interpretations only compromise your mental health.


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Jai Bhatt is a Passionate Blogger, Entrepreneur & Digital Marketer in India. He shares his thoughts on HealthBoosterHub. He has been blogging since 2013 & writes about Web Design, Web Development, SEO, Tech, Travel & Health blogs.