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sensitive teeth

Taking Care of Sensitive Teeth

Do your teeth hurt when you eat certain foods? Maybe you feel pain when you brush and floss each day. Having sensitive teeth can keep you from eating your favorite foods or taking proper care of your mouth. Here are a few tips to ease the discomfort of painful teeth so you can enjoy what you eat and prevent dental decay.

Avoid Trigger Foods

When you’re between appointments with your dentist in Oslo, one way to protect your sensitive teeth is by avoiding foods that cause problems. Some treats, such as those listed below, are known to cause discomfort and should be eaten in moderation.

  • Soda
  • Coffee
  • Pickles
  • Gummy foods
  • Frozen treats
  • Citrus fruits

Use Garlic To Relieve Pain

If you have eaten something that has caused discomfort that doesn’t subside quickly on its own, you can use another food to help relieve the pain. Garlic’s natural pain-relieving and antibacterial properties make it an excellent natural choice to lessen your discomfort. Slice up a clove of garlic or crush it to make a paste, and apply it to the sensitive area. Leaving the garlic in place for 10 minutes should help relieve your pain, and it is safe to use twice a day.

Invest in a Soft Toothbrush

Aside from avoiding some of the triggers for your sensitive teeth, caring for them properly is also a priority. It’s vital to have good hygiene routines to prevent further damage to the enamel and gums, which may cause your pain to get worse. The texture of your toothbrush makes a big difference for your mouth. Look for a brush with soft bristles. Stiff bristles can scrape against your sensitive teeth and gums, causing more irritation and even gum recession. When you brush, use gentle circular motions as vigorous scrubbing can cause additional damage.

Buy Toothpaste Designed for Sensitive Teeth

Along with the proper toothbrush, look for a paste designed for sensitive mouths. These products have additives that fill in the tiny holes in your teeth to help block nerve sensitivity. This paste makes it easier to brush your teeth for the recommended time so that you are sure to get the residue off your teeth and prevent tartar build-up and gum disease.

Rinse With Salt Water

Proper care of your mouth also includes using mouthwash after brushing. However, strong-flavored rinses found in the local store may increase your sensitivity. A better solution is to make a rinse by adding two teaspoons of salt to a cup of water. Salt helps balance the acids in your mouth, which decreases the damage it does to your teeth. It also helps reduce the level of bacteria, which helps prevent plaque build-up. You can use this safe and easy rinse twice a day after you brush.

Wear a Mouthguard During Sleep

Another cause of sensitive teeth may be that you grind them at night. This process gradually wears down the top surface of your pearly whites, leaving them open to many different problems. Your dentist can design a custom mouthguard to wear at night. These comfortable devices prevent your teeth from rubbing against each other to help stop additional deterioration.

Visit a Dentist Regularly

Proper care of your teeth always involves visiting your dentist at least twice a year. These appointments provide you with a complete cleaning of your teeth and the removal of plaque and tartar. Your dentist can also inspect the sensitive areas of your mouth for any problems and fix them before they get worse.

If you have sensitive teeth, you have options to help minimize your discomfort. Follow these tips for a better feeling of mouth.


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Jai Bhatt is a Passionate Blogger, Entrepreneur & Digital Marketer in India. He shares his thoughts on HealthBoosterHub. He has been blogging since 2013 & writes about Web Design, Web Development, SEO, Tech, Travel & Health blogs.