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laser hair removal

Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal

Traditional forms of hair removal, such as shaving, waxing, and tweezing, can be time-consuming. In addition, waxing and tweezing can be painful, and these methods are temporary. If you are looking for a more effective method, you should consider laser hair removal.

After laser hair removal, the hair won’t be gone forever. You can expect a 50 to 95 percent reduction of new hair, and it will be fine and easier to maintain. Laser hair removal is gaining in popularity over the years. According to Vogue, over half a million procedures were performed in 2011, which is the last year that data was collected. If you aren’t sure if laser hair removal is right for you, you should understand the benefits.

Laser hair reduction is a procedure that treats hair by targeting the follicle and slowing the growth of hair. This is a process that takes time and patience, but it is worth it for the long-term results. After six treatments, most people see a reduction in hair growth of about 50%. This is a great option for those who are not looking for a complete hair removal process.

1. The Treatments Are Not Time-Consuming

One of the best things about laser hair removal is that the treatments don’t take long, and you won’t have to set a whole day aside. It takes about 20 minutes for underarm and bikini area treatments and about an hour for arms and legs.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, if multiple treatments are necessary, you can have the procedure performed every four to six weeks.

2. Saves Time

Shaving your legs, armpits, and bikini area can add five to ten minutes to your shower. If you wax, you will need to take time out of your day for a waxing appointment.

Laser hair removal will save you a lot of time. You won’t need to shave nearly as often, and it is easier, which will save time in the shower. In addition, you won’t need to schedule regular waxing appointments.

3. Eliminate Ingrown Hairs

If you are prone to getting ingrown hair when you shave, laser hair removal is an excellent option for you. You won’t need to worry about ingrown hairs that can become infected, and there is a risk of infection if you need to have the ingrown hair removed.

This procedure is also great if you have sensitive skin that often flares up when shaving or waxing.

4. You’ll Save Money In the Long Run

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of laser hair removal is $389. If you have this procedure done, you can save money in the long run.

You won’t need to worry about buying shaving cream, razors, and waxing appointments; therefore, in the first year or two, the procedure will pay for itself in the money you will save on traditional hair removal methods.

5. You Don’t Need To Wait For the Hair To Grow Between Treatments

If you prefer waxing, you already know that you have to wait for the hair to grow out between treatments. Fortunately, this isn’t an issue with laser hair removal. As mentioned above, you can have the procedure performed every four to six weeks, and you don’t need to wait for the hair to grow.

If you are tired of waxing and shaving, laser hair removal is an excellent option. You can book appointments every four to six weeks and after nine months, and when the treatment is complete in about nine months, you won’t need to worry about waxing and shaving as much.


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Jai Bhatt is a Passionate Blogger, Entrepreneur & Digital Marketer in India. He shares his thoughts on HealthBoosterHub. He has been blogging since 2013 & writes about Web Design, Web Development, SEO, Tech, Travel & Health blogs.