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3 Flavorful Vegan Delights

Some people think a meal without meat is bland and boring, but as Gale Tobin can explain, that is simply not the case. Veganism can be delicious. Several of your family’s favorite recipes can easily be made into a meat-free dish. Invite your friends over for a dinner party and wow them with these awesome options that are big on flavor, will keep them full, and offer many potential health benefits.

1. Bountiful Burritos

Fill a tortilla with cilantro rice, black or pinto beans, and grilled vegetables including peppers and onions. Add dairy-free cheese and sour cream, both available at many grocery stores, and spicy salsa. Control the heat level to your liking. Sauteed mushrooms can help bulk up your burrito. Fold it all together and enjoy. As an alternate, you can also use many of the same ingredients to make a vegan quesadilla. Just serve the rice and beans on the side in that case. Don’t forget the guacamole!

2. Soul-Satisfying Soup

Pick a cool, light gazpacho for the hot summer months. There are several recipes available online. Some feature balsamic vinegar or lime, and they all showcase delicious tomatoes. When the weather cools down, try a hearty vegetable barley soup made with celery, carrots, potatoes, corn, and green beans. This is a great way to use up any food scraps you have from the week. You can make your own broth or use a storebought kind.

3. Zoodles and “Meatballs”

Use your veggie spiralizer to turn a couple of zucchinis into strands that resemble pasta noodles. If you don’t have this kitchen appliance, you can often find precut zoodles in the refrigerator section at your grocer. Cook them in a pan on the stove for just a few minutes until they are somewhat soft and warm. Top that with your favorite tomato sauce and throw in some vegan meatballs for added protein. Your family will love this new spin on an Italian classic.

Let your imagination run wild and your stomach act as your guide. You can discover spices that can amp up your dishes without also pushing up the caloric content like other ingredients can, letting you make healthier choices for yourself and your family. Trying vegan food is a great way to go on a culinary adventure. Eat popular foods from around the world without leaving your kitchen table. You’ll expand your horizons while making cruelty-free, earth-friendly selections for your family. You might wonder why you didn’t try meat-free meals sooner!


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Jai Bhatt is a Passionate Blogger, Entrepreneur & Digital Marketer in India. He shares his thoughts on HealthBoosterHub. He has been blogging since 2013 & writes about Web Design, Web Development, SEO, Tech, Travel & Health blogs.