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keto-friendly fruit

Is Kiwi A Keto-Friendly Fruit?

The ketogenic diet is a combination of high-fat, adequate amount of protein, and low carbohydrate diet. This particular diet forces the body to burn more fats instead of carbohydrates. Following a keto diet improves cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. A keto diet also reduces appetite, boosts weight loss, and lowers the body’s level of triglycerides. Keto-friendly fruits must be rich in fiber and low on carbohydrates. The fiber content of the fruit is a vital criterion for a keto diet. Kiwi belongs to the genus, Actinidia which comprises 60 species.

Benefits of Keto Diet And Kiwi In Keto Diet

There are immense benefits of the keto diet:

  • Supports weight loss
  • Cures acne
  • It has the ability to reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer
  • Improves heart health
  • It may protect brain functioning
  • Potentially reduces seizures
  • Reduces PCOS symptoms
  • Reduces the risks and complications owing due to several conditions

The keto diet imposes limitations on a person’s food intake. It applies to certain fruits as well due to their carbohydrate content. However, some fruits are diet-friendly with low sugar content. A keto diet is a balanced intake of 55-60% fat, 30-35% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates.

You cannot ignore kiwi for its immense health benefits.

If you are on ketosis, you can intake kiwifruit as it provides the following benefit:

1. Prevention of Anaemia

Kiwi is rich in Vitamin C that increases iron absorption. Thus, it prevents iron deficiency and reduces the chances of developing anemia.

2. Reduces The Duration of Cold

Kiwi minimizes the intensity of upper respiratory infections like the common cold.

3. Supports Heart Health

Low sodium and high potassium make kiwi the best fruit to prevent strokes. The fiber content of this fruit helps reduce cholesterol levels. Eating kiwis instead of processed snacks is a great way to protect the cardiovascular system.

4. Improves Digestive Health

The soluble and insoluble fiber content of kiwi supports healthy digestion in multiple ways. Dietary fiber decreases the transit time of waste and promotes beneficial gut bacteria that help digestion.

5. Aids Wound Healing

Both vitamin C and vitamin K play a crucial role in wound healing. Kiwi contains both vitamins in an appropriate amount.

Is Kiwi A Keto Fruit?

The fruit, kiwi varies in size, juiciness, colour, and texture. Kiwi dates back to the 12th century and is native to eastern and central China. It is commonly known as Kiwifruit in North America. Kiwi juice has immense benefits. You can consume both raw and baked forms of kiwi. Raw kiwi contains actinidin that works as a meat tenderizer. Kiwi is the best digestive aid.

100-gram of green kiwifruit provides 61 calories and 83% water content. It also contains 15% carbohydrates with a negligible amount of protein and fat. Kiwi is highly rich in Vitamin C and K. It also has a moderate Vitamin E content but no other micronutrients. A kiwifruit weighing 75gms contains about 10.5 g of carbohydrates and 2.25 g of fiber. The net carbs come to around 8.25 g. As the net carb is higher, the person trying to maintain a keto diet, commonly known as ketosis, has to monitor the carb intake throughout the day.

But, is kiwi keto-friendly? People following the keto diet can consume any fruit with less than 12gms of net carbs per 100gms. Fruits contain natural sugars that add to the person’s daily carbohydrate intake. One medium-sized kiwi fruit contains 11gms of carbs.
It is also a rich source of Vitamin C and fiber that can lower blood cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar. As per the thumb rule of 12gms of net carb consumption, kiwi is a keto-friendly fruit.

Does Kiwi Have Carbs? If So, How Much?

The following is the complete nutritional information for one green kiwi weighing 69g. The USDA has provided this information:

  • Calories: 42kcal
  • Fat: 0.4g
  • Sodium: 2mg
  • Carbohydrates: 10.1g
  • Fiber: 2.1g
  • Sugars: 6.2g
  • Protein: 0.8g


A medium-sized fruit consists of more than 10 grams of carbohydrates. Of the 10.1gms, 2.1 grams come from fiber. The remaining 6.2 grams are from naturally occurring sugars. Kiwi is a low glycemic index fruit with a value of 52.2.


Kiwis usually have low-fat content. Kiwi contains 1/2 gram of fat per fruit. There are no saturated fats in kiwi.


Kiwi contains almost 1gm of protein. Kiwi doesn’t contain enough amino acids, hence isn’t a source of protein.

Vitamins and Minerals

Two kiwis of medium size provide 230% of the daily value of vitamin C, and 70% of vitamin K. Kiwis are also a rich source of potassium, vitamin E, and folate.

Can I Eat Kiwi On A Keto Diet?

Is kiwi fruit allowed in the keto diet? This is a common question for many. The standard macro intake for a keto diet is 5-10% carbohydrates, 15-30% protein, and 60-75% fats. Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are the macronutrients.

The macronutrient and calorie details of kiwi:

  • Total Sugars: 6.20 g
  • Monosaccharides: 5.95 g
  • Fructose: 3.00 g
  • Glucose: 2.84 g
  • Galactose: 0.12 g
  • Disaccharides: 0.23 g
  • Lactose: 0.00 g
  • Maltose: 0.13 g
  • Sucrose: 0.10 g
  • Other Carbohydrates: 1.84 g


  • Monounsaturated Fat: 0.03 g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.20 g
  • Saturated Fat: 0.02 g
  • Trans Fat: 0.00 g
  • Calories from Fat: 3.23
  • Calories from Saturated Fat: 0.18
  • Cholesterol: 0.00 mg
  • Water: 57.32 g

Kiwi also contains micronutrients such as:

  • Vitamin B1: 0.02 mg
  • Vitamin B2: 0.02 mg
  • Vitamin B3: 0.24 mg
  • Vitamin B3: (Niacin Equivalents) 0.41 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin B12: 0.00 mcg
  • Choline: 5.38 mg
  • Folate: 17.25 mcg
  • Folate (DFE): 17.25 mcg
  • Folate (food):17.25 mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid: 0.13 mg
  • Vitamin C: 63.96 mg

As per the above informational chart, one can take kiwi fruit on a keto diet in a measured proportion.

Is kiwi part of the keto diet? Kiwi can be a part of the keto diet when intake in a monitored manner. As kiwi has a high carb value, the person following ketosis must monitor the carb intake while consuming kiwi fruit.

So, can I eat kiwi on keto? Many people often want to know if kiwi fruit is keto-friendly or not. No fruit is good if you are following a keto diet. All the fruits have natural sugars that increase the carb level. But you can still consume some of the fruits with low net carb content. One must measure the intake and follow the carb chart before eating kiwi on keto. Kiwis are an amazing source of vitamin C and these are low in sugar. Kiwi contains just 6 grams of sugar per kiwi. You will get kiwis all year-round. You can include kiwi in your keto diet, and eat this delicious fruit within the measured limits.

Kiwi And Keto – How To Intake?

Fruits are natural candies due to the high content of natural sugar. This raw sugar can add up to increase the carbohydrate level in the body. Kiwi is also a delicious and juicy fruit with sugar content. A person on a keto diet can consume kiwi but occasionally. When you follow ketosis, the following things have to be maintained:

Low carbohydrate intake: The intake of carbs must be between 20-50gms or 15-30gms of net carbs.

Consider the serving size: Size matters a lot on a keto diet. One cup of broccoli, two eggs, one medium size kiwi, one pork chop, or a quarter cup of berries should be the intake size.

Quality over quantity: Eating good quality food is always preferred irrespective of any diet you follow.

You must follow a keto diet by consulting your doctor. A person must follow a keto diet for a stretch of 3-6 months only.

Fruits You Can And Cannot Have On Keto

Fruits like apple, orange, banana, cherry, and peach are not keto-friendly. They have a high sugar content that will increase carb intake.

The list of fruits recommended for a keto diet is:

Tomato: Tomatoes of an average size contain 3.3gms of net carbohydrates. It is the best fruit to be used in a salad while following a keto diet.

Strawberry: It contains 5.8gms of net carbohydrates. It is also quite rich in Vitamins C and A.

Blackberry: 6.4gms of net carbohydrates makes blueberries a keto fruit. Also, it is highly rich in Vitamin C, K, and A.

Kiwi: Kiwi has a net carbohydrate content of 8.25gms.

Raspberry: This fruit is very rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C. The net carbohydrate content in it is 6.7gms.

Plum: Plum has a net carbohydrate content of 7.5 gms. It is rich in potassium and magnesium.

Blueberry: This fruit has the highest carbohydrate content, with a net 9.1gms carbohydrate.

A person can follow the keto diet by adding these fruits appropriately to their regular food intake.

The keto diet’s short-term side effects are fatigue, headache, brain fog, and upset stomach. But long-term health risks include kidney stones, osteoporosis, and liver disease. Plan your diet carefully for a healthy body. You should always keep track of your entire food intake. Stay fit and healthy by following the appropriate diet.


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Jai Bhatt is a Passionate Blogger, Entrepreneur & Digital Marketer in India. He shares his thoughts on HealthBoosterHub. He has been blogging since 2013 & writes about Web Design, Web Development, SEO, Tech, Travel & Health blogs.