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can you buy kratom at walgreens

Can you buy Kratom at Walgreens?

That’s the question that many people have asked, especially with all of the buzzes that Kratom has been getting recently. Can you buy kratom at Walgreens? Kratom for sale Walgreens there are many more, we will discuss here.

The short answer is no, not directly. And many users are asking the question of whether or not they can purchase Kratom at Walgreens – but unfortunately, it’s a “no” even indirectly through their online store too. There are several reasons why you shouldn’t be able to buy Kratom at these locations.

What is Walgreens?

Walgreens is the largest pharmacy chain in America with over 8,200 stores across the United States. The company’s first store opened in 1901 in Chicago and it has been the leader of the pharmacy industry ever since.

The question is Can you buy Kratom at Walgreens? Let’s keep reading this post to get the answer.

Why You shouldn’t be able to buy Kratom at Walgreens

Can you buy Kratom at Walgreens? At the moment we can’t say yes. We have listed some reasons why you can’t buy kratom at Walgreens.

Lack of Education –

At the moment, the FDA hasn’t finalized any legislation regarding Kratom and its legality in the U.S. Right now, if you’re buying a product containing Mitragyna Speciosa Extract or even just plain Kratom you must be aware that there’s no regulatory body supervising these products at retail locations like Walgreens.

FDA Warning Letters –

On September 30th, 2015 the FDA sent out warning letters to several vendors including some who sell Kratom online and at retail locations (a list of offending companies can be found here.) These warnings pertain mainly to the fact that many of these products are unapproved new drugs being sold without proper packaging labeling or even a specified quantity contained in each product.

It’s a very scary prospect for vendors –

It means that if there were Kratom products available at Walgreens they would be the subject of an FDA warning letter right now, whether or not the store actually sells any Kratom products.

Efficacy Concerns –

While many people suffering from chronic pain are finding that Kratom is able to help them, there’s no proven medical efficacy for this substance. In other words, while you may experience some relief from your symptoms – the FDA doesn’t want people putting their health at risk just to “see if it works.” Walgreens is simply not going to pick up a product that could have unknown side effects or even fatal consequences for some.

Also, Read – Can You Buy Kratom At Walmart?

How can you purchase Kratom at Walgreens?

For the time being, it’s a question “Can you buy Kratom at Walgreens” that isn’t answerable – but perhaps in the future, there will be an alternative solution. Many users have reported to CC that they’ve purchased Kratom from their local head shops or smoke shops, so if you have one in your area it might be worth visiting to find out if they do sell Kratom.

That being said, the fact that there are several locations across the country where Kratom is banned completely means that this could very well be a dead-end option for many users. For now, it’s safe to say that:

“No, you can’t buy Kratom at Walgreens.”

If you want to purchase Kratom online from a reputable vendor, there are several options available. For further information on purchasing quality Kratom products check out our list and compare the different vendors offering Mitragyna Speciosa in several forms including capsules, powder, or extract.

Conclusion –

We have here shared all the info we have about kratom for sale at Walgreens. If you still have some queries related to this post can you buy kratom at Walgreens, you can directly ask by commenting here.


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Jai Bhatt is a Passionate Blogger, Entrepreneur & Digital Marketer in India. He shares his thoughts on HealthBoosterHub. He has been blogging since 2013 & writes about Web Design, Web Development, SEO, Tech, Travel & Health blogs.